Available For Both Windows & Mac!

Available For Both Windows & Mac!

Available For Both Windows & Mac!


Social Prospector

Choose your plan below based on your marketing needs & start your 3 day test drive!





Charged Monthly

Justo mauris et dui fillist
Proin dolor ante est dolor
Molestie mattis suspendis
Fermentum primis taciti
Imperdiet volutpat pulvinar

Package available for a limited time

Best Value

Premium Plan


Charged Monthly

Justo mauris et dui fillist
Proin dolor ante est dolor
Molestie mattis suspendis
Fermentum primis taciti
Imperdiet volutpat pulvinar

Package available for a limited time

PRO Plan


Charged Monthly

Justo mauris et dui fillist
Proin dolor ante est dolor
Molestie mattis suspendis
Fermentum primis taciti
Imperdiet volutpat pulvinar

Package available for a limited time



Charged Annually

Justo mauris et dui fillist
Proin dolor ante est dolor
Molestie mattis suspendis
Fermentum primis taciti
Imperdiet volutpat pulvinar

Package available for a limited time

Best Value

Premium Plan


Charged Annually

Justo mauris et dui fillist
Proin dolor ante est dolor
Molestie mattis suspendis
Fermentum primis taciti
Imperdiet volutpat pulvinar

Package available for a limited time

PRO Annual Plan


Charged Annually

Justo mauris et dui fillist
Proin dolor ante est dolor
Molestie mattis suspendis
Fermentum primis taciti
Imperdiet volutpat pulvinar

Package available for a limited time

See The Difference Between The LITE & PRO Version: Click Here

Does It Work For Any Niche?

See What Other Users Have To Say...

(Click On Each Image Below To Watch The Explainer Video)

Locate & Remove Inactive Friends!

Scan your entire friends list & filter out friends who haven't liked your posts for up to 1 year. This removes the dead weight from your friends & makes room for laser targeted prospects who will engage &  do business with you!


Organize Inactive Friends From Oldest To Newest

Once you generate your list of inactive Facebook friends, you will be able to arrange them from oldest to newest friends. This will enable you to remove least active users!

Friend Request Targeted Post Likers!

Locate posts from targeted influencers or pages in your niche & friend request them. This is extremely powerful because you will build a friends list of 100% targeted prospects.

Friend Members of Targeted Groups

You can send unlimited friend requests to members of groups that are in your target market. This way you know that every single person who becomes your friend are potential buyers. You can even filter by keywords!

Locate & Remove Deactivated Friends!

You would be surprised how many deactivated profiles that are taking up space on your friends list. Facebook only allows for 5k friends, so you want each one to be active!

The Post Lover Tool

This tool will automatically go down your timeline and spread love on every posts that it comes across Skipping Ads). It also comments on those same posts while rotating between infinite variations of written comments.

Invite Friends From Other Groups To Yours!

The Group Inviter feature allows you to invite friends that are in specific groups to any group  you have ownership of.

Send Mass Messages To Targeted Friends!

Segment your friends list based on the time frames in which you became friends or simply send mass messages to your entire friends list at the click of a button!

And Many More...

(Click On Each Icon Below To Watch The Explainer Video)

(Click On Each Image Below To Watch The Explainer Video)

(Click Each Image Below To Watch Explainer Videos)

Inactive Friends Tool!

Scan your entire friends list & filter out friends who haven't liked your past 10 to 100 posts! This removes the dead weight from your friends & makes room for laser targeted prospects who will engage &  do business with you!

Inactive Organizer Tool!

Once You generate your list of inactive Facebook friends, you will be able to arrange them from oldest to newest friends. This will enable you to remove least active users!

Post Liker Tool!

Locate posts from targeted influencers or pages in your niche & friend request them. This is extremely powerful because you will build a friends list of 100% targeted prospects.

Member Friender Tool!

You can send unlimited friend requests to members of groups that are in your target market. This way you know that every single person who becomes your friend are potential buyers. You can even filter by keywords!

Mass Messenger Tool!

Segment your friends list based on the time frames in which you became friends or simply send mass messages to your entire friends list at the click of a button!

 Deactivated Profile Tool!

You would be surprised how many deactivated profiles that are taking up space on your friends list. Facebook only allows for 5k friends, so you want each one to be active!

The Post Lover Tool

This tool will automatically go down your timeline and spread love on every posts that it comes across Skipping Ads). It also comments on those same posts while rotating between infinite variations of written comments.

Invite Friends From Other Groups To Yours!

The Group Inviter feature allows you to invite friends that are in specific groups to any groups that you have ownership of.

And many more...

(Click On Each Icon Below To Watch The Explainer Video)

(Click Each Icon Below To Watch Explainer Videos)

Request Cancellation Tool

The Request Cancellation Tool allows you to cancel pending friend requests that you have sent to prospects on Facebook!

Comment Auto Replier Tool

This tool allows you to auto reply to the comments left on any Facebook post. It can even reply to only comments containing specific keywords.

The Safe List Feature

The Safe List tool allows you to create a list of Facebook friends that will remain safe from bulk friend removal process.

The Broadcaster Tool

The Broadcaster Tool allows you to create segmented lists of Facebook friends to send messages to.

The Group Removal Tool

This tool allows you to leave multiple Facebook groups with just a few clicks of a button.

The Fancy Text Tool

Create fancy looking text that stands out & generates more clicks. It works on most Social Media sites As Well!

Incoming Friend Request Cancellation Tool

Automatically cancel pending incoming friend requests that you have received from Facebook users!

The Facebook
Page Inviter Tool

Automatically invite Facebook friends from common groups to like your Facebook business page!

The Friend Removal
Blacklisting Tool

If you remove a Facebook friend for inactivity the blacklist feature will place them on a list to never friend request again!

Friend Request Cancellation Tool

The Request Cancellation Tool allows you to cancel pending friend requests that you have sent to prospects on Facebook!

Comment Auto Replier Tool

This tool allows you to auto reply to the comments left on any Facebook post. It can even reply to only comments containing specific keywords.

The Safe List Feature

The Safe List tool allows you to create a list of Facebook friends that will remain safe from bulk friend removal process.

The Message Removal Tool

The message remover tool allows you to remove all messages or individual messages that are crowding your Facebook inbox!

The Group Removal Tool

This tool allows you to leave multiple Facebook groups with just a few clicks of a button.

The Fancy Text Tool

This tool allows you to create fancy looking text that stands out & generates more clicks. It works on most Social Media sites As Well!

Incoming Friend Request Cancellation Tool

Automatically cancel pending incoming friend requests that you have received from Facebook users!

The Facebook
Page Inviter Tool

Automatically invite Facebook friends from common groups to like your Facebook business page!

The Friend Removal
Blacklisting Tool

If your remove a Facebook friend for inactivity the blacklist feature will place them on a list to never friend request again!

Friend Request Cancellation Tool

The Request Cancellation Tool allows you to cancel pending friend requests that you have sent to prospects on Facebook!

Comment Auto Replier Tool

This tool allows you to auto reply to the comments left on any Facebook post. It can even reply to only comments containing specific keywords.

The Safe List Feature

The Safe List tool allows you to create a list of Facebook friends that will remain safe from bulk friend removal process.

The Message Removal Tool

The message remover tool allows you to remove all messages or individual messages that are crowding your Facebook inbox!

The Group Removal Tool

This tool allows you to leave multiple Facebook groups with just a few clicks of a button.

The Fancy Text Tool

This tool allows you to create fancy looking text that stands out & generates more clicks. It works on most Social Media sites As Well!

Incoming Friend Request Cancellation Tool

Automatically cancel pending incoming friend requests that you have received from Facebook users!

The Facebook Page Inviter Tool

Automatically invite Facebook friends from common groups to like your Facebook business page!

The Friend Removal
Blacklisting Tool

If your remove a Facebook friend for inactivity the blacklist feature will place them on a list to never friend request again!

The Broadcaster Tool

The Broadcaster Tool allows you to create segmented lists of Facebook friends to send messages to.

The Broadcaster Tool

The Broadcaster Tool allows you to create segmented lists of Facebook friends to send messages to.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long do I get to test drive Social Prospector Pro?

The test drive lasts for 3 days and can be cancelled at anytime from the Billing section of your back office.

Can more than one tool run at the same time?

We have designed this software to not allow you to use more than 1 tool at a time. The reason for this is because you do not want your Facebook activity move at a un-natural rate or Facebook will block the tools from working.

How many devices can I use this on?

You are allowed 2 active devices per account

Is this available for Mac or PC?

Yes, Social Prospector Pro works for both Mac & PC devices! It is not compatible to use with Chromebook or mobile devices.

What is the refund policy?

Due to the nature of this software there is a 7 day refund policy. This time frame begins from the moment you purchase your Social Prospector Pro trial.

If I don't like Social Prospector Pro, how do I cancel?

Subscriptions can be cancelled at anytime by users from logging into the back office and clicking on the "Billing" section on the left side menu

What if I reach my friend sending request limit?

Social Prospector Pro also has a feature that allows you to automatically cancel pending friend requests that you have sent to your prospects!

2025 © ADREV Global LLC

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This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, INC.

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We are here to answer any questions you may have to help increase your business!

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